World Banknotes
Utlandet (98006)
Afghanistan (2797)
Albania (235)
Algeria (201)
Angola (447)
Antarctica (11)
Arctic Ocean (2)
Argentina (1464)
Armenia (108)
Aruba (52)
Australia (303)
Austria (1759)
Azerbaijan (150)
Azor Islands (1)
Bahamas (275)
Baharain (1)
Bahrain (44)
Bangladesh (236)
Barbados (211)
Belarus (506)
Belgian Conco (4)
Belgian Congo (64)
Belgium (869)
Belize (137)
Bermuda (51)
Bhutan (186)
Biafra (125)
Bohemia and Moravia (30)
Bolivia (715)
Bosnia - Herzegovina (511)
Botswana (61)
Brazil (2164)
British Caribian (6)
British Guiana (1)
British Honduras (1)
British West Africa (2)
Brunei (101)
Bulgaria (770)
Burma (661)
Burundi (257)
Cambodia (1525)
Cameroon (24)
Canada (417)
Cape Verde (83)
Cayman Islands (161)
Central African Republic (26)
Central African States (190)
Ceylon (188)
Chad (4)
Chile (323)
China (2204)
Colombia (536)
Comoros (24)
Congo, Democratic Republic (398)
Congo, Republic (17)
Cook Islands (51)
Costa Rica (283)
Croatia (1026)
Cuba (478)
Curacao (3)
Cypros (2)
Cyprus (448)
Czech Republic (119)
Czechoslovakia (414)
Danish West Indies (3)
Danzig (17)
Denmark (43)
Djibouti (33)
Dominican Republic (272)
East Africa (11)
East Caribbean States (280)
Ecuador (537)
Egypt (724)
El Salvador (46)
Equatorial African State (3)
Equatorial African States (4)
Equatorial Guinea (34)
Eritrea (194)
Estonia (545)
Ethiopia (203)
Europa Island (134)
Faeroe Islands (168)
Falkland Islands (36)
Faroe Islands (17)
Fiji (187)
Finland (178)
France (1153)
Frence Equatorial Africa (9)
French Antilles (8)
French Colonies (2)
French Equatorial Africa (3)
French Indo China (163)
French Pacific Territories (4)
French West Africa (108)
Gabon (5)
Gambia (372)
Georgia (489)
German East Africa (25)
Germany (7295)
Germany - Preussen (1)
Germany - Saxony (1)
Germany East (1)
Germany, East (591)
Germany, West (120)
Ghana (353)
Gibraltar (144)
Great Britain (1375)
Greece (874)
Greenland (17)
Guadeloupe (1)
Guatemala (364)
Guernsey (69)
Guinea (390)
Guinea - Bissau (43)
Guyana (270)
Haiti (165)
Hawaii (1)
Honduras (292)
Hong Kong (413)
Hungary (1485)
Hutt River (23)
Iceland (2047)
=IF(AND(RC[11]<>"",AutoNumber),(MyntNr + ROW()-ROW(R2C[1])),"") (24)
India (793)
Indonesia (1193)
Iran (951)
Iraq (542)
Ireland (13)
Ireland, Northern (42)
Ireland, Republic (41)
Isle of Man (63)
Israel (515)
Italy (1343)
Ivory Coast (4)
Jamaica (367)
Japan (443)
Jason Islands (42)
Jersey (102)
Jordan (97)
Katanga (21)
Kazakhstan (268)
Keeling Cocos Islands (5)
Kenya (562)
Korea (1)
Korea, North (300)
Korea, South (175)
Kuwait (125)
Kyrgyzstan (274)
Laos (744)
Latvia (574)
Lebanon (558)
Lesotho (62)
Liberia (131)
Libya (193)
Liechtenstein (19)
Lithuania (641)
Luxembourg (99)
Macau (162)
Macedonia (334)
Madagascar (202)
Malawi (144)
Malaya (106)
Malaya and British Borneo (28)
Malaysia (185)
Maldives (95)
Maldova (5)
Mali (25)
Malta (149)
Martinique (7)
Mauritania (43)
Mauritius (115)
Memel (29)
Mexico (786)
Moldova (77)
Monaco (1)
Mongolia (423)
Montenegro (42)
Morocco (259)
Mozambique (641)
Muscat and Oman (3)
Myanmar (148)
Namibia (36)
Nepal (329)
Netherlands (469)
Netherlands Antilles (100)
Netherlands East Indies (1)
Netherlands Indies (122)
New Caledonia (33)
New Guinea (32)
New Hebrids (17)
New Zealand (169)
Nicaragua (589)
Nigeria (526)
Oceania (2)
Oman (460)
Pakistan (459)
Papua New Guinea (106)
Paraguay (726)
Peru (1172)
Philippines (944)
Pitcairn Islands (2)
Poland (1056)
Portugal (893)
Portugese Guinea (38)
Qatar (93)
Qatar and Dubai (2)
Reunion (3)
Rhodesia (41)
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (3)
Romania (645)
Russia (5523)
Russia - Siberia (4)
Russia / Soviet Union (4)
Rwanda (114)
Rwanda - Burundi (24)
Saint Helena (74)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (11)
Saint Thomas and Prince (120)
Samoa (60)
Sao Tome and Principe (1)
Sarawak (2)
Saudi Arabia (135)
Scotland (375)
Senegal (3)
Serbia (309)
Seychelles (103)
Sierra Leone (169)
Singapore (412)
Slovakia (56)
Slovenia (246)
Solomon Islands (112)
Somalia (218)
Somaliland (133)
South Africa (436)
South Sudan (2)
Spain (2346)
Sri Lanka (375)
Straits Settlements (2)
Sudan (623)
Suriname (492)
Swaziland (106)
Sweden (11)
Switzerland (432)
Syria (258)
Tahiti (30)
Taiwan (69)
Tajikistan (227)
Tanzania (514)
Tatarstan (1)
Thailand (464)
Tibet (8)
Timor (92)
Tonga (104)
Transdniestria (382)
Trinidad and Tobago (236)
Tunisia (309)
Turkey (1026)
Turkmenistan (237)
U.S.A. (1963)
Uganda (508)
Ukraine (364)
United Arab Emirates (97)
United Arab Emirates10 Dirhams (1)
Uruguay (488)
Uzbekistan (237)
Vanuatu (41)
Venezuela (616)
Vietnam (499)
Vietnam, North (177)
Vietnam, South (458)
West African States (246)
Western Samoa (7)
Yemem (4)
Yemen (16)
Yemen Arabic Republic (185)
Yemen Demokratic Republic (79)
Yugoslavia (2263)
Zaire (675)
Zambia (478)
Zimbabwe (396)
Estonia (1)
Swaziland (3)
Ukraine (2)